Using the lockdown time wisely.
This blog is coming to you from my self isolation with Isabelle and her daughter Holly over in Milton Keynes. We are well and safe and hope you are too during this unprecedented crisis. One bit of good news in all this gloom is that I became a grandfather for the first time a couple of weeks ago. My daughter Amie gave birth to my first grandson, Fox Lucas Murray weighing in at 9lb 1oz. Fox, Amie and Kyle are doing well.

Current situation:
On the lead up to the necessary restrictions I was receiving email after email cancelling nearly 80 bookings. There are now only a handful of bookings going forward through the year and depending on how the government restrictions are adhered to and how this pandemic pans out will depend if they will still go ahead. Currently private hire is deemed to be an essential service especially for repatriation, delivery of goods, some vital business travel, hospital visits and essential shopping trips etc and should we be required we will of course comply with the current guidance over decontaminating vehicles and interiors and take the necessary precautions for our duty of care. My team is now 27 strong with drivers dotted all over the South East, The Midlands, Manchester and Derbyshire who are all very quiet so if you do need anything I have ample resources.
Using my time productively:
I am using this down time to further configure our amazing booking system so that when normality resumes we will be in a much better and stronger position. I have been taking part in online workshops with the system developer to configure even more very useful and dynamic features which ultimately will make the experience for bookers and passengers even more efficient and pleasurable with an amazing passenger app coming soon. Some of you already use and love the free client booking portal. This easy to use webpage enables you to book and monitor every aspect of your booking/s and see in real time the status of them as drivers update their apps. The new optional passenger app will extend this facility to passengers too. If you are not familiar with the booking system and want to know more about it please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
I am immensely proud that my team have provided a bespoke, personal and professional service to every client all of the time. I understand that in these constantly evolving and sometimes worrying times that some people may be struggling emotionally and in silence. One builds up a certain special relationship with clients, bookers, passengers and suppliers and I care about you all out of work and have already been in contact with a few. I am so humbled how the country has come together, risen to the challenge to collectively get through this, remained positive to the threat and shown love to fellow man. If I personally can offer any support of any kind or just a chat to anyone during this testing time my phone is ‘always’ switched on for a friendly and confidential chat. I can be contacted on 07774 419757 for a voice call, text message, WhatsApp, FaceTime and of course by email on Drive Arrive has Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts where you can keep up-to-date on current news and ideas, just search for Drive Arrive ands you will find us to follow.
…..and finally:
I very nearly forgot about this ;-) This time last year we were awarded in the SME News Awards, Best Executive Car Hire Service for the home counties and this month we have been honoured with the award for The Best Luxury Chauffeur Service, home counties from the same publication. With 4 awards now I’m pleased to know we are doing it right and I'd like to thank you all for your continued support.
Stay safe everyone.