Drive Arrive recognised with an award.
I am extremely pleased and excited to announce an award we have won.
Late in 2018 someone, I don’t know who nominated Drive Arrive for the SME News National Transport Awards. The first I knew of it was when the editor contacted me to request supporting evidence as to why I felt we deserved it.
I immediately replied with a brief history of how and when the business started in 2015 and how it has rapidly grown year on year since with the compulsory VAT registration threshold being met nearly two years ago. I mentioned the impressive fifty two testimonials we have on our website and the eleven maximum 5* Google reviews, our policy on paying drivers, sub contractors and suppliers ‘immediately’ upon receipt of their invoice......often within minutes of receiving them!
As well as explaining our USP and commitment to road safety with our private hire chauffeurs being advanced driver qualified I went on to explain the very important road safety message I have put out virally through our social media platforms for the past two summers about passengers travelling in cars with their feet on the dash and the consequences of a deployed airbag. This message has gone around the world virally with some impressive feedback from the four corners and we certainly have noticed a marked reduction in this practice which is fantastic. I’m sure we have saved a lot of injuries and even deaths. You will find further details in this blog section.
I was notified a few weeks ago that we had been successful and was awarded the prestigious title of the Best Executive Car Hire Service 2019 - Home Counties which I am extremely proud of and grateful for.
I would like to thank personally Gary, Tony, Peter, Neil, Sam, Paul, Phil, Danny, Gary, Andy, Peter, Steve, David, Andy, Jonny and Shakeel who have all contributed to the 24/7 day to day operations of the business in the past 12 months or so and a very special thank you to my partner Isabelle who is a truly amazing person and a great support and inspiration to me personally.
Recently we have had a few very discerning clients and multi £million companies come on board for us to safely transfer their staff. One said just last week “I have needed a car company but didn't know a) what I wanted and b) what was available but now I have found Drive Arrive, (while gesturing to our gleaming S Class Mercedes) I know exactly what I want!”……that is one hell of a compliment.
To our 263 clients and passengers I especially thank you because without you there would not be a business and of course a ‘very’ special thank you goes to the person whoever it was, almost certainly a client who nominated us for this award.
So, where do we go from here? I believe that when one finds a formula that works simply do more of it. We will continue to provide 1st class transfers by 1st class drivers safely in immaculate luxury and executive cars while never forgetting that each and every one of our clients is a VIP to us.
Thank you all once again from the bottom of my heart for your continued means a lot to me.